‘’Erasmus is not half a year in your life, but a lifetime in half a year’’

My Erasmus period has almost reached his end and I have learned a lot in the four months I been here in Scotland.

Improving my English
The main reason I did my Erasmus in Scotland, is because of the language spoken in the UK. The first important thing I have improved in my Erasmus period is my English. My English was already quite fluent, but I really improved my vocabulary and grammar here in Scotland. Because I was the only Dutch guy in our residence and in my classes, I was forced to speak English all the time. This really helped my quick responding on questions and conversations. The many assesment throughout the year really helped my writing skills.

When you are living half a year abroad, you must do everything yourself. In only 4 months I became a lot more independent then I was before. It was the first time I lived on my one and need to do everything myself. I learned in the past four months how to cook a proper dinner. That is something I couldn’t do before.

International Friends
In the last 4 months I made a lot of new friends. I have made friends from Spain, Italian, Scottish, France and Ukraine. It is a whole new experience and it is nice to learn a lot about different cultures. Because I was doing a lot with Spanish guys, I completely changed my dinner time habit. Spanish people eat normally around 8 P.M. Me as a Dutch person normally ate 6 P.M. These new friends are not just friends for this half year, but they are friends for a lifetime.
