5 tips for saving money on groceries

When living abroad and especially living as an Erasmus student, money was for me a thing to worry about. In this blog post I will give you guys some tips I used to save money on my groceries and dinners.
Go to the cheaper supermarkets
What I experienced in my time abroad, some supermarkets are more expensive then other supermarkets. To save money, I always went to the supermarkets the people call cheaper. The supermarket I always went to was Lidl. In Lidl you get good value for money, because the prices are low, and the quality is good.

Do the groceries in the evening
The thing I noticed when I did groceries shopping in the evening, a lot of products had certain discounts. These discounts were on these products because of the expiring dates. Around dinner time, the supermarkets are sticking the stickers on these products. When you buy these products, you can save a lot of money.

Prepare your food yourself
Do not buy ready-made meals and do not go to the snack bar or pizzeria. Frying fries yourself is much cheaper and often also goes much faster. When you eat fries or fetch a pizza once a week, frying yourself or baking a pizza quickly yields an advantage of hundreds of euros per year. It is therefore usually cheaper and healthier to prepare your own food!

Look downSupermarkets are smart, but you are smarter. Understand well how a supermarket works, by realizing that expensive products are often at eye level. By looking at the bottom shelves, you might come across very affordable products that you did not yet know.

Buy TogetherThe rule in supermarkets is, how bigger the packaging, the greater the benefit. In my case is was living with 5 other persons in my flat. We often ate together, so we decided to buy some products together. So when you buying and cooking together, you will save a lot of money and also a lot of time.
